1. Bitcoin

Coin Control in Electrum. How to send Bitcoin from specific address.

In my previous article I have touched an aspect of AML when transacting in Bitcoin. We will talk about this more in the next articles but today I wanted to show how send Bitcoin from a specific address of your Electrum wallet.

When you press “Receive”, Electrum every time generates a new Bitcoin address. But when you press “Send” there is no option to choose the sending wallet. And as we already know this feature might be very handful and happily it is there and called Coin Control.

Coin Control

Coin Control is an Electrum feature which allows you to select the sending address or addresses. Every time you add particular address to Coin Control, it will be used during the next transaction. Let’s see how it works.

You just need to go to Addresses tab. Right-click the desired sending address and select “Add to coin control”.

Add address to Coin Control

Now you will see the coin control active status in the bottom.

This way you can add as many addresses as you want to the coin control for your next transaction. You can also press “Reset” to remove all addresses from Coin Control.

So, now if we try to send some Bitcoin, we will see that address we added to coin control is now listed as an Input. This means that transaction will be made from this address.


There is also one more useful feature related to coin control and it’s called “Freeze”. I think you already got what it means and does.

For example, you have address from which you do not want to send and this is when you can Freeze this address. Same right-click on the address and select “Freeze”.

Freeze address in Electrum

This will freeze the address until you unfreeze it. Not like coin control does only for the next transaction.

This is all you need to know how to manage sending option in Electrum. The next thing you will need to learn how to check your incoming payments for AML and we will talk about it in the next article.

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